August 1

7 Tips for a Healther Home


Image Painting provides professional painting services for interior and exterior the Washington DC area and Northern Virginia.

Wow, summer has really flown by. Soon, the kids will be heading back to school, and the colors of fall will be upon us. Unfortunately, that me we will also begin bracing for flu season. Our team has selected a few of our favorite tips to keep your home healthy now and year-round. 

#7. Store pet food in a sealed plastic container to prevent rodents and bugs from tracking it down. Also keep pets on flea and tick meds year-round.

#6. Use paints, sealants and furniture finishes with low or no VOCs and that are formaldehyde-free. This can be implemented over time. Keep it in mind as you update your home’s design.

#5. When it’s time to replace curtains, consider machine washable options. You will be more likely to take them down and clean them if you can just toss them in the washing machine.

#4.  Drink lots of clean water and be sure to replace the filter in your pitcher, refrigerator dispenser or faucet mount filtration system as directed by the manufacturer. (probably monthly for the pitchers and every six months for the others)

#3. Caulk now. This is a great time to inspect the caulk inside and outside of your home. You want to make sure windows, doors and trim are properly caulked on the outside to prevent moisture from getting in, which creates mold. Keeping exterior caulk in good shape also aids with interior temperature control, preventing air from leaking in or out. The summer sun can be rough on exterior caulk, so take a look around before the damp, cold weather arrives. Also, check your bathrooms – replace caulk and grout as needed. This will help prevent mold from developing inside the walls. While you’re at it, you can do some cosmetic caulking too, like along stair trim and baseboards.

#2. Wash bedding, including blankets and comforters weekly. Also, couch blankets that are used in shared spaces should be laundered regularly. If you’re cleaning up after a sick person in the house, make sure to wash your hands after loading the washing machine. Use hot water for this wash load if the fabric allows.

#1.  Sanitize high-touch areas and handheld devices regularly – maybe once or twice a week and more if you know someone in the house is fighting off an illness. TV remotes, phones, shared technology, stair rails, faucet handles, toilet flusher levers, refrigerator door handles and doorknobs can harbor more germs than we care to admit.

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and best of luck to everyone as a new school year begins.


Exterior Paint, Healthy Home, Image Painting, Interior Paint, Washington DC Painters

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