June 27

Pressure Washing Brick Before Painting: What You Need to Know


If you’ve decided to give your brick house a much-needed facelift with a coat of fresh paint, chances are good that the first step of your project is pressure washing. It’s an important one – if done incorrectly, you might not get the results you want in terms of looks and longevity and risk damaging your home’s delicate brickwork. 

From selecting the suitable pressure washer for the job to understanding painting prep protocols, this blog will walk you through everything you need to know about pressure washing brick before painting for an optimally stunning outcome!

Do you pressure wash bricks before painting?

Is pressure washing bricks necessary before painting? In most cases, it is highly recommended. However, certain steps must be taken beforehand to get the best results when painting a brick surface. One of those important steps is pressure washing the brick before starting any painting project. Keep in mind, it is not recommended to pressure wash painted brick unless you intend to strip and repaint the existing surface. 

Pressure washing is capable of removing the following so you can start with a clean slate:

  • Dirt
  • Grime
  • Other debris from the surface of the brick 

It also helps remove old paint or sealant that may have been left behind from previous projects. Pressure washing will help give your new coat of paint better adhesion and improved coverage. 

If you choose not to pressure wash before painting, you could be setting yourself up for failure down the line. Without having a properly cleaned surface, the paint may not bond well with the brick and could begin to peel or chip away over time. Additionally, dirt and debris can affect the overall color of the paint, making it look dull or uneven. 

It’s important to note that pressure washing will not remove all stains from brick surfaces. For cases like this, using a brick cleaner or masonry detergent is best before you start painting. This will help remove any deep-seated stains that may be present and make sure that the surface is as clean as possible before you begin painting. 

Ready to refresh your home? Get an estimate today and see how a new paint job can transform your space.

What is the best process for painting brick?

Painting brick can often be challenging, but you can achieve professional-looking results with the right tools and techniques. Here is a detailed guide on what is the best process for painting brick:

  • Clean the Brick: Start by cleaning your bricks with a stiff brush and warm soapy water to remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated on them. Make sure to rinse off any soap residue thoroughly to avoid discoloration during the painting process. 
  • Repair Any Cracks or Holes: Use mortar mix to patch up any existing cracks or holes in the bricks before starting your painting project. Allow this area to dry before moving on to the rest of the steps. 
  • Apply Primer: After the mortar mix has dried, you’ll want to apply a primer to ensure that your paint sticks properly. Use a brush for more detailed areas and a roller for larger surfaces. Allow time for the primer to dry completely before adding additional paint coats. 
  • Paint Your Brick: Now it’s time to choose the right type of paint and start painting! Make sure you use exterior-grade paint specifically designed for outdoor brick walls; this will help protect them from harsh weather conditions. Using a brush, apply two thin layers of paint in even strokes across each brick, allowing ample drying time between each layer. 
  • Sealant: Finally, you’ll want to ensure that your painted bricks last by applying a sealant. Start by thoroughly stirring the sealant and then using it evenly with a brush to ensure no missed spots. Allow the sealant to dry completely before adding any additional coats of paint.    

Following these steps will help ensure that your painted bricks look beautiful for years to come! If you need any additional assistance or guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Image Painting, your expert in brick painting. With the right tools and techniques, you can achieve excellent results. 

How long after washing the brick can you paint it?

Generally speaking, you should wait at least 24 hours before applying any type of paint or sealant to give the surface plenty of time to dry. Additionally, if you are using an oil-based paint, you may need to wait up to 48 hours prior to painting for the best results.

It’s also important to note that adding a new coat may require additional drying time beyond these parameters if your brick was previously painted and sealed. 

Prepping your house painting project with the experts at Image Painting

Pressure washing brick is an important step in prepping the area for painting. It removes dirt, dust, and other particles that may inhibit the painting process, resulting in chipping and peeling over time. From the right chemicals to pressure attachments, ensure you have the right tools before starting. 

At Image Painting, we specialize in brick pressure washing before painting as well as residential and commercial painting services in VA and beyond. We place great importance on the proper preparation techniques before applying any paint to provide our customers with beautiful results. Contact us today and experience the superior quality of Image Painting’s work!


exterior painting, pressure washing

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